Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New law to require teaching responsible guardianship of pets in all 50 states

I propose that responsible pet guardianship be taught in all public and private schools in all 50 states! This new PAW LAW would be enacted into law in every state.

This is a photograph of Stephen and Lady. Stephen was my dear brother and a very talented artists. Stephen and I loved our dogs and I'm sure that dogs may play a vital role in helping children learn how to love.

Parents may want to adopt a dog that is friendly and lovable and teach their children how to be responsible, loving and caring guardians for our canine companions. This is a great way to teach love.

I think using dogs in schools to teach children how to love and how to be responsible guardians for dogs (and cats) should be REQUIRED and mandated by state law. Courses in responsible pet ownership should be made part of the public education in all 50 states!

What do you think? If this were done then it would lead to more dogs (and cats) being adopted.

We need to be teaching responsible pet ownership in all public schools (as well as in private schools) and make such education required just as is reading, writing and arithmetic!

I propose that every state adopt a RESPONSIBLE PET GUARDIANSHIP AND EDUCATION PROGRAM that requires teaching our children how to be good, caring and loving pet guardians. What do you think?

Please reply. I want to see such a law proposed to state legislatures in all 50 states, every year, until this is on the law books in every state. If this is done it can have a great impact upon reducing the number of homeless dogs (and cats). Plus it will create job opportunities for rescue workers who may have programs in public schools about how to rear, care for, and train dogs in good citizenship.

All replies are welcome.

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